FAIL – The Optimistic Word

What is a failure? Why people are worrying about failure? Are they feared of it or bothered of not getting another opportunity to prove them?

I will try my level best to eradicate all the worries and fear about failure through this article.

Fail is the word which makes us to explore and learn more and more to gain the knowledge which in turn helps us to be successful in subsequent experiments. So we don’t have to worry about the failure rather face it with courage and never give up till you succeed in your goal.

I used to remember the words of a noble person who is an icon of inspiration for many people. He is a great scientist and former president of India – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who quoted FAIL as 

“First Attempt In Learning.”

As we all aware of RACE framework for strategic planning; Likewise, I have also framed my own model named ‘RACE’ in order to overcome the failure and to taste the success.

RACE model:-

RACE stands for R – Realize, A – Admit, C – Correct, E – Experiment.

RACE Model

Realize: We need to realize our faults and find out the cause for it. Admit: We need to admit our faults and accept the effect of outcomes. Correct: We need to correct our faults by fix it. Experiment: We need to experiment again without losing hope.

Run the RACE with your failure till you reach the destination.

Remember that we won’t be getting so many chances for our mistakes in our real world, so better avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Whenever I feel lost or so depressed, these two quotes help me to get motivated by myself.  

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new” by Albert Einstein.

“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” by Thomas A. Edison.

Verdict: Failure is the key to success so try, try, and try again until you achieve the target.

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